Lisa Ring and Family Scholarships 2025

Lisa Ring and Family Scholarships 2025 – applications are now closed.

The Lisa Ring and Family Scholarships are for founders of a new or early-stage business or venture in Victoria to help take your business to the next level.

Applications are accepted from up-and-coming solo founders or teams of up to two who have made good progress on the start of their business journey and looking to grow and develop their knowledge.

The scholarships are made possible by the Lisa Ring family who are passionate about supporting innovative ideas and developing the growth of new entrepreneurs.

The benefits of the 2025 scholarships program

As a Lisa Ring and Family Scholar you will have access to:

  • Key Scholarship Benefits

    • $10,000 AUD equity-free funding: Secure financial support without giving up any ownership in your business.
    • 12-month premium coworking space: Enjoy working from StartSpace Loft from January to December 2025.
    • Business mentoring and coaching: To enhance and focus your progression.
    • Bespoke business support: To accelerate your business success. This may include opportunities such as attending relevant conferences and events, specialised training or access to other resources.

Watch the recording of the Online Information Session

The information session for the Lisa Ring and Family Scholarships, recorded on Friday 6 September from 2:00pm covers key information about the program benefits, who is eligible and tips on how to apply. Watch the recording to find out more.

The recording also includes a Q&A with the audience. You will find even more answers to questions in both the Terms and Conditions and the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.

Important Application Information

Applications closed 11.59pm Sunday 15 September 2024 for the 2025 scholarship program. Only applications submitted before that time will be considered.

All new and early-stage founders who are residents in Victoria, age 18 or over, are currently building their new business venture and able to commit to a scholarship program from January – December 2025 were eligible to apply.

Applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from culturally diverse backgrounds, LGBTIQ+ people, and people of all ages 18 and above and all abilities are welcomed.

If you are selected for one of the two available scholarships must be able to enter into a scholarship agreement no later than 25 October 2024 and commit to the scholarship program period of January to December 2025.

For full details on eligibility, selection and program expectations please see the full Terms and Conditions here or check out the FAQs.

Application criteria

Applications will be assessed based on responses to the following criteria:

1. Market & problem (20%)

  • What is your business idea / business model?
  • How did you come up with it?
  • Can you demonstrate a clear understanding of: target customers, the problem you are trying to solve and the addressable market for your business?

2. Solution & Innovation (20%)

  • Demonstrate how your service or product solves this problem for customers or fills a demand in the market? (i.e. product market fit)
  • What’s new and innovative in your solution?

3. Founder Strength & Fit (20%)

  • Demonstrate how you (and Co-applicant if applicable) are particularly setup for success to deliver your solution
  • Why are you best placed to deliver on this idea e.g. lived experience, skills, networks, knowledge.

4. Scholarship Impact (30%)

  • Describe how this Lisa Ring & Family scholarship and its benefits will change the runway of your business?
  • How much of a difference would this scholarship make to what you are trying to achieve?

5. Traction (10%)

  • Demonstrate what you have achieved so far and what goals have been set to be undertaken in the next 12 months?

For more information on applications visit our FAQs or see full Terms and Conditions here.

Other key information

The following individuals and/or organisations are ineligible to apply for the Lisa Ring and Family Scholarships for 2025:

  • Founders of established businesses or startups deemed too advanced and no-longer early stage.
  • To determine early-stage we are guided by the definition in:

The scholarships will be awarded to individuals (“Primary Applicant” in the application) – though there will be options provided to applications that include up to one other co-founder or team member (one additional person / co-applicant) of the scholarship winners.

Please note: StartSpace does not take any stake in the business in exchange for the seed funding; equity remains with the founder.

If you have any questions or seek more information please contact the StartSpace team: [email protected].

We also recommend you read the FAQs and full Terms and Conditions provided before submitting your application.