Zita Wong, Founder of DineSeal

Member Spotlight

Zita Wong, Founder and Product Manager of the MarTech / FoodTech startup DineSeal became a StartSpace member in April 2023.

About DineSeal

DineSeal is an AI-driven gamification platform designed to enhance customer engagement and loyalty in the restaurant industry.


Zita shared some highlights about the startup journey so far. “Since joining StartSpace, we are proud to have secured two Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with prominent restaurant chains, validating the strong demand for our AI-driven gamification platform.

Additionally, we successfully launched our beta version, which received positive feedback and helped us attract early adopters eager to implement our solutions.”

Key learnings so far:

“One of the biggest lessons we’ve learned is the critical importance of networking.
Building strong connections within the industry has been crucial for gaining insights, support, and opportunities that have significantly accelerated our growth and development.

We discovered that these relationships often open doors to collaborations, partnerships, and invaluable feedback that we wouldn’t have accessed otherwise.”

To find out more visit the DineSeal website or  follow DineSeal on LinkedIn