Aiden Rayner, Founder of Don’t Move Until You See It

Member Spotlight

Aiden Rayner, Founder of Don’t Move Until You See It joined as a StartSpace Member back in September 2022 and was named a Lisa Ring and Family Scholarship Recipient in 2023.

About Don’t Move Until You See It

Don’t Move Until You See It uses science-backed techniques and insights to help adults make their brains better at the game of Chess.


Aiden says: “Startspace made such a massive difference! Since starting with Startspace, I have increased 10x in active customers and over 20x in revenue per month, and become recognized one of the leading experts on Chess visualization in the world.

The opportunities Startspace offered, including scholarships, world-class mentoring, and the space itself have been a huge part of that. I now have an office space of my own and an employee, and am enjoying success enough to lean on my business for my full-time living.”

Key learnings so far:

“My biggest learning is that the more specific your purpose, the deeper the impact you can make. The more focused I have made my business on the one thing I do better than anyone in the world, the more success has come my way.

There’s been no one big mistake, just lots of little ones, especially regarding the amount of time wasted on projects that didn’t make a difference or see the light of day. It’s critical to focus on a few core activities, do them consistently, and become world class at them.

Any opportunities that exist outside of those core things should be treated with deep trepidation, until you can prove the possible upside outweighs the time, headspace, and energy costs away from the core things.”

As the GM of the LA Rams once said, “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”

To find out more visit the Don’t Move Until You See It website or connect with Aiden Rayner on X (formerly Twitter).